Thursday, October 22, 2009

Midweek Kitchen Confessions 24: I failed make my own Sourdough Starter. I followed these directions to the letter. No fermentation activity. I can grow mold (see arrow), but not bacteria. *cry* I guess I'll have to order some powdered starter.

I did succeed, however, in growing an artist:

Ice Cream by Seconda


pinky said...

Growing an artist is a much grander accomplishment anyway.

Kevin Doyle said...

April, we have a 75-year-old start that we continue to keep alive and use every week. If you need any tips, I can ask Carolyn and send it on. Let me know (it's her success, not mine).

Piper Scott said...

April, you didn't fail. You succeeded! You proved it can't be done that way. That is the silliest starter recipe I've ever seen. That is not how anyone does it the right way. I have a book that I will look at and email you back the "proper" way.

Serena said...

Try the King Arthur's Starter Recipe. I used it and the starter grew like crazy. It made some great sourdough bread.

spcatherall said...

April, why didn't you call me? I have a ton of starter. I can split it.

April Fossen said...

Oh! I had no idea. I'll come steal some from you in the next couple of weeks!