Friday, June 21, 2013

Chocolate Covered Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies

Recipe is here. Go look. And then make them. Just do it.

I think I probably did something wrong because my cookies ended up more crispy than soft.
Also sort of shaggy looking, whereas hers are quite smooth and roundy. ANYWAY. They were still amazing. I took the liberty of toasting my marshmallows with my handy-dandy kitchen torch. Which--why wouldn't you?!
And I'm planning to make these again IF ONLY so I can figure out a way to incorporate graham crackers and make them more s'more-like.

They're just so easy. And so yummy. Have you started on a batch yet?

P.S. This is what I look like when I'm baking. So, one might ask, why do I not do it ALL THE TIME? I wish I knew the answer to that question.

TGIP Rating--Chocolate Covered Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies--KEEPER. Graham cracker element yet to be figured out...

Next up: On our Baker Family (yes, I'm a Baker by blood) Facebook page, my baby sister put out a call for old family recipes. My amazing, crafty, and apparently incredibly organized Aunt Vickie (who just has these things at her fingertips!) answered by starting a new page which she is peopling with photographs of handwritten heirloom recipes from that side of the family. One of the recipes she posted is called Mystery Cake. And I'm letting it stay a mystery for now. Apparently it's a type of fruitcake with a secret ingredient. I KNOW it's the wrong time of year for a fruitcake, but this just came up and I'm DELICIOUSLY curious about it. So I'm trying it!

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