Saturday, March 9, 2013

Malted Milk Sandwich Cookies

You know, I had never even attempted making sandwich cookies until about 2 years ago when I made these. Which were amazing. Probably my favorite sandwich cookie EVER. I don't know why I'd never thought to try them before. They seem like something that can only be done in a factory? With very exact equipment so all the cookie halves turn out exactly the same size? I don't know, but it turns out they're really easy to make at home. I mean, REALLY EASY.

And if you end up with some flaws (like different-sized cookie halves), it doesn't matter at all. They're time-consuming, sure. I generally avoid making rolled cookies because they take so much time. But the only real difficulty I had with this recipe was figuring out what combination of dough thickness and baking time was going to give me the result I wanted: slightly crisp on the outside, chewy on the inside. That's especially important with homemade sandwich cookies because the filling is so soft and fresh it will squidge right out if the cookies are too crispy.

Trial and error got me there with delightful results.

Prima isn't a huge fan of the malt flavor. She said tonight that it tastes like chicken. Um. I think what she's getting at is that it lends an intensity to the overall flavor that she's only experienced with meat. If that makes sense. I understand why she finds that odd in a sweet. And, if I'm being honest, the baked cookies on their own have a flavor that is a little off-putting.

But the whole combination, with the lovely flavor and texture of the filling, is just perfect. Sweet, but not too. Rich, but not too.

Unusual and interesting and, much like the Salt-N-Pepper cookies, so packed with flavor and punch, I didn't feel the need to eat a plateful in order to feel like I'd had a treat.

TGIP Rating--Malted Milk Sandwich Cookies--KEEPER.

Next up: It's almost St. Patrick's Day. So, you know, whiskey is in order. I'm making Salted Whiskey Caramels. Wish me luck, candies and I don't get along terribly well. Also, I'm going to try a recently-discovered Soda Bread recipe, handwritten by mr.'s Irish grandmother.


Unknown said...

They look yummy! I agree- a keeper!

Anonymous said...

These were surprisingly easy for a rolled cookie, I thought. And it's not a recipe I would have picked out myself to bake, so I'm glad it was this week's BSM challenge. :)

Have Apron....Will Bake said...

Cookies look great! I too generally shy away from rolled out cookies. They always seem like so much work. But it is true, these ones were pretty darn easy.

Anonymous said...

These look so good! I'm sad I skipped out on baking these!

Kris' Kitchen said...

Well, we agree these were so full of flavor and so good that we DID need to eat the whole plateful! Enjoyed your post.

Susan said...

We loved these - and, I know, I wouldn't have thought to make them, either, but they were really easy!

Candy said...

I usually avoid roll out cookies too, but enjoyed these as they weren't too fussy. Your's look great!

Chelly said...

You all are making me sorry I had to miss this one. Can't wait to make these. Good job on yours!

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