Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Year in Review

I think I did substantially less baking in 2012 than I have in recent years past. Some incredible successes and some astounding failures.  Here are my favorites of the year:

Coconut Cream Pie (regular) and Chocolate

Coming in 2013: I'm not going to get specific here. Seems like when I do, the specific thing I mention is the ONE thing I don't get around to over the course of the year. So, I'll just say this: lots of good stuff, including maybe some modern reworkings of very old-world traditional holiday baked goods. I will also reiterate my annual plea: FRIENDS and FAMILY WHO LIVE NEARBY come over and eat things! They may not always be good, they may be on their way to something better, but come be my guinea pigs!

First up: Mister did his usual homemade doughnuts for Christmas morning this year. Lots of leftovers, which we popped in the freezer...to be used in bread pudding...along with some leftover waffles. 

1 comment:

Virginia Taylors said...

I loved your year in review..I did that also! I am a pie lover also. You might like some of my recipes.
