So, it turns out English Muffins are incredibly easy to make. They require some planning (sitting in the fridge overnight)
and some patience (rising for an hour before baking).
But other than that, a breeze. And delicious. I used a recipe of Alton Brown's, which is part of his Eggs Benedict recipe. But he also has this version, which doesn't require the overnight refrigerating, or quite as long of a rising time. I'll have to try that one next time.
Because. There must be a next time. We have a long family association with Eggs Benedict. It's what my parents used to make for breakfast on Christmas morning when we were kids (and still do, but I'm not usually there). Took a long time. And then we had to clean up the breakfast dishes. BEFORE opening presents. I know. My point is, I should know how to make hollandaise, right? I don't. I've never made it. *shame* I tried Alton's recipe. I've watched the episode where he makes it a couple of times. Still, utter failure. Broken sauce. I have an electric stove that comes on and off as it sees fit, and I don't have a laser thermometer so that I can take quick temperatures like he can. I think there must be an easier way. Pie Queen? (and by easier, I don't mean using a Knorr package)
Anyway, with the failed hollandaise, we regrouped and decided to make homemade Egg McMuffins.
Yummy. The English Muffins were perfect. Not quite as nook-and-crannyish as Thomas', but I didn't expect them to be. Just very delicious and homemade-ish.
TGIP Rating--English Muffins--KEEPER. Next time though, I'll probably try Alton's other recipe. And I'll also toast one and slather it with butter to see how the muffins are in their "pure" form.
Next up: I think I'm making Hot Cross Buns for Easter breakfast. Am I?
Here's my hollandaise recipe and method. It always works.
3 egg yolks (lightly beaten)
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp water
dash of white pepper (optional)
1/2 cup chilled butter
In a double boiler (this is the key to good temperature regulation...keep it set to a low boil) whisk together the egg yolks, lemon juice, water, & pepper. Cut the butter into 3 chunks and put one chunk into the sauce. Apply to heat and begin to slowly stir the butter in.
The speed of butter integration here is also important to prevent the egg yolks from curdling and/or the sauce breaking. Too slow and your eggs curdle, too fast and your sauce breaks.
After the first chunk of butter is melted add the second and continue stirring. You may start to see a little curdling at this point. Don't panic. (And don't forget your towel.) Just stir the curdled bits in and you'll be fine.
Add the third chunk after the second is melted. Continue the same procedure for any additional butter if you're making a larger volume.
Makes enough for 4-6 Eggs Benedict. I've successfully tripled the recipe, but it's tricky with this method to make any more than that.
Thanks Bill!
I've made Blender Hollandaise since I was given my Fannie Farmer Cookbook in 1966. Have never had a failure with this recipe:
Blender Hollandaise
½ cup butter or margarine
Put in an electric blender
3 egg yolks (at room temp.)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
¼ teaspoon salt
Few grains cayenne
Blend at low speed for a few seconds, just long enough to mix smoothly.
Pour in the hot butter slowly. Blend a few seconds longer, until the sauce is smooth. Makes about 1 cup.
From Fannie Farmer Cookbook 1965
I put in a lengthy recipe and disaster remedy but it didn't keep it. So call me next time you're ready to make some hollandaise and I'll give you the recipe. Love you...
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