Before we go any further, I neglected some important shout-outs in my
2011 Year in Review post:
- My friend Jonny McBride for insisting that we make this cake together. It was a brilliant evening.
- Teresa Sanderson, Melody Downey, and Alton Brown for each contributing some aspect of what ultimately became this cake.
- My niece Amber for actually believing that I could make her wedding cake. I didn't end up doing it because we both realized it would be a terrible idea. But having somebody believe in my baking skills that much is...amazing.
Now, on to the business at hand...You are going to be surprised when I tell you...I didn't really love
this recipe. I liked the cake itself. I added a little rum and made some adjustments for high altitude (which, apparently didn't really work all that well):
And I liked the burnt sugar liquid that's used in the cake and the frosting (although, I think maybe I didn't get mine quite dark/burnt enough):
And the caramel shard topping was certainly beautiful (although, since I didn't get the liquid dark enough, I accidentally compensated by TRULY burning the caramel for the shards). Still pretty:
But the frosting. It was just too sweet. As it was, I messed up the texture by beating it in the mixer instead of pulsing it in the food processor (I was distracted because I was making
this at the same time):
So, it was WAYY too liquidy:
And if I had added less powdered sugar and made it less sweet, it would have been nothing more than a glaze. Which we all kind of decided is exactly what this cake should have. The cake itself is so flavorful, and has such a lovely, rich texture, I honestly don't think it needs a heavy frosting on top. In fact, it might not even need the glaze. Maybe just a dusting of powdered sugar.
TGIP Rating--Burnt Sugar Bundt Cake--KEEPER, with alterations. I need to go back to the drawing board on the high altitude adjustments, for one thing. And the frosting situation needs to be changed. Then it will be perfect.
Next up: I have to keep my kids in cookies for bag lunches. And I'm sick of buying crappy cookies filled with shortening or whatever horrifying thing. So, I'm going to give
these a try.